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Small world! I love Smitten Kitchen, too!

Happy Valentine's, PoMo!


Happy Valentine's to you too! While I'm not trying a new recipe for dinner, we are going with a treat the whole family will love, breakfast for dinner. A little heart shaped french toast, eggs, sausage. And, if I'm really lucky, everyone will love it and not complain. That would be the perfect end to a wonderful Valentine's Day! Hope you've worked some red into your wardrobe today, I need to go find mine!


It's a fine day to celebrate love of all sorts. Expectations can be dangerous and it's best to talk about that sort of thing in advance. I love tulips and always prefer them to roses so it saves Dale a bucket of money!


I always try to think of someone who may not get a heart today and give it to them...and as for you....shmooch! You are a sweetheart! (


My Valentine to Smith is usually a homemade card. His birthday is later in the week and that's when we celebrate. This year he did something very special. When I opened the fridge this morning I found a plate of hand dipped strawberries. He made them after I went to bed! It was the biggest surprise ever.


And I should add...thank you for your thoughtful and enjoyable posts!

kathy b

Oh thanks!! love to read your blog. Your love for your husband is wonderful and I love when you write about it. Red in midwinter is great, I agree.

Christina Scovel

Happy Valentines to you as well! We love reading what you have to write and being part of your world. No day can take the place of living every moment and knowing that it can all end in an instant. We must love and be loved ALL THE TIME!

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