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I wear a tinted moisturizer by Clinique quite a bit, it feels lighter than foundation and it evens out my skin tone just enough for daytime. I think it's great that you included sex and you are right! It's healthy and natural and important!


Floss Nightly!


Ditto to 1,2,3,4,5,10! and yes flossing and using an electric toothbrush is a must!


I am on the computer a lot. There is no doubt about that. But I also live on a hobby farm so I work outside a tremendous amount and the conditions are hardly ideal. Between wind and rain and sun there is leather, metal, wood, and rock to contend with. So each night before I bed I put on a generous amount of Udderly Smooth Cream Udder to my hands, my elbows, the back of my neck, my knees, and my feet. I let it all air dry before jumping into bed (and perhaps a bit of #10 if the moment is right and I bathed after being outside...hahahaha) and wake up with a non-greasy, smooth to the touch, feel to my skin.

Christina Scovel

I am not a products person. I use chapstick and that is about it. Lotion when my skin feels like it might fall off. But, your #10 made me reply. I SO TOTALLY agree and ladies - we should be talking about it. Seems like to many ladies keep their mouths shut on the subject.

Good sex is fantastic. Great sex makes the world go round!

kathy b

I have to wear eye liner or I look so tired. Lipstick always makes me look more alive. TOothwhitening toothpaste on a daily basis helps what with my coffee and cola drinking. I am newly in love with THYME hand lotion in kimono rose. A gift from another nurse this Christmas, with tired winter hands!

Magnetic Bike Trainer

Won't argue with any of your points. I also think that having a good hobby is key. Whether it is photography, painting, cooking gourmet food, making your own beer at home, etc...

sensitive skin

My feet is so dry. So I like to use Vaseline on my dry feet.And also used on lips over red,really red lipstick for extra shine. You can try also.

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