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Thanks for the great post!

Dave Daniels

That's a great tutorial.
And, hey, you'd be surprised at how well YOU would do on a floor loom! You'd take to it in no time. NOT that I'm en enabler or pusher...much. :)


Brilliant! I have not one but 2 RHLs sitting around just waiting for me to warp them...the part I dread.

Let's not even get started on the giant Harrisville floor loom I got crazy cheap that is currently living in the basement...


I read and re-read your directions. I must have missed something. When I start to weave the junk yarn at the start of the new project the up shed and down shed do not open completely. I can move the threads manually, but I know that is not correct. HELP!!! I am a new weaver and love it. Marty

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