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I like the book reviews! I'm reading the second volume of L.M. Montgomer's journals. Sad how a woman, independently wealthy after publishing Anne of Green Gables, still had so few options in her life. We've come a long ways.


I will get the Bok book from the library for my daughter, she is very interested in Sudan and Darfur. Thanks for the rec, glad I didn't click away!:)


Thank you for the reviews - I'm always interested in what other people are reading and their perspective on the work!
I just read the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It was lovely. The use of letters to tell the story from differnt points of view was very effective. Definitely my favorite book of the year.


please keep us updated after you read "Me Write Book." i'm calling up mom at the library to see if they have it there, and if so, to check it out for me! Michelle may be on to something here...

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